Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hump Earth Day

It's Earth Day.  Whoop-D-doo.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the environment and doing what I can to keep it clean.  I try and ride my bike to the grocery store every week, I recycle plenty, I conserve water by taking shorter showers and not leaving the faucet running.  But it's sad that we still need a day dedicated to reminding our ignorant selves that what we do has an impact on everything and everyone around us in some way, shape, or form.  Any fat slob that sits on the couch and watches the news knows we're slowly continuing to dig a hole for ourselves as a global society due to this general environmental ignorance.  All I know for sure is it will end someday, and I can only hope that it's a pleasant ending and not the one that seems to be coming.  

That being said, Here is a pic I took while I drove to visit a friend today.  I saw a mountain range of clouds in the distance and couldn't help but snap it.  

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