Monday, October 26, 2009

Black Death sandwhiched by greatness

Today's post title is descriptive of my race Sunday at DCCX. Strong start, strong finish, HORRIBLE middle. The weather turned warm on the day, and I obviously was not hydrated properly. Of course, this was not evident until lap 3 of the race. As I dipped further into my own misery, I looked up to see 4 laps to go. At this sight, my heart sunk, and I then got passed by some riders. It was with 2 laps to go however that my magic matzah balls kicked in and I flew to the finish, passing a few riders back and ending 9th on the day out of 34 starters. Not great, but I'll take it! Trying to find pics, will post one later hopefully.

Last Wednesday was the second Kensington Triple Crown. Not a big crowd, but a good one. I managed to take the 'W' again on another fun urban 'cross course and am liking the workout I get there. If you're in the philly area, COME ON OUT! But be sure to pump the tires up high so you don't flat........

So today on the trainer, I was watching part 1 of the series 'JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America'. On Monday's I usually just do a 1hr recovery ride, and instead of dealing with traffic, or getting in the car and driving to some easy trails, I just watch TV on the trainer. Actually relaxing to a degree. But I digress...... The program was extremely informative, and revealed a lot about the assassination of President Kennedy I had not previously known or seen. I won't get into detail, but if you haven't seen it than put it on your list. Who would've thought I'd learn so much while just spinning on the trainer?!?! It's a crazy world we live in.

On tap this week: Kensington race on Wednesday, Arnold's Family Fun Center (You'll like this one, but have to keep it under wraps for now), Re-gearing the pit bike, mentally preparing for another double UCI weekend in NJ. Ampitheatre of Pain, I WILL OWN YOU! Blech......

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend mini-wrap.

Just thought I'd throw up a quick post more out of habit, rather than out of having something to say. The weekend's racing has come and gone with quite a bit of disappointment. Saturday's race at Granogue was one where I knew I could do well so long as my bike would hold up. Well, it did. And I finished inside the top 20, just inside, as I had aimed for. But after cleaning up, I walked over to the results which had just been posted and saw that I was DNF, and that the rider whom I know finished in front of me was listed as 25th, not 18th. I protested, but this got me nowhere and the best they said they'd do is list me as DFL. Awesome. A great result wiped off the boards by an official's error.

Sunday I started with a fresh attitude, but after getting caught behind a starting line crash I had to chase back on, which I did fairly quickly. I passed some and set off just as I do about every UCI race. However, this one ended on lap #3 with my chain jammed in my cassette. No spare bike = DNF. Oh well, better a real DNF this time!

Overall, despite poor results, I am happy with my form. I feel that after starting the season outside of the top-20, that I am now fully capable of finishing in the top-20 of these UCI races. Hopefully I'll do just that again at Beacon, where I was 16th the last time I raced there. And from there, continue improving.

Next weekend: Red Cross in NY, then DCCX in D.C.

See you over the barriers!

- Jordo

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Forecast is for FUN!

Well, the weather finally turned for the worse and stole the last breaths from Summer's lungs. It's raining in the 40's currently and will be raining throughout the weekend. Tonight's Triple Crown of Kensington Cross Race is still on, and I'm planning on breaking out the rain gear for this one baby! Not sure who is going to show up in this weather, but I like my odds even more tonight. In order to fend off possible sickness for the weekend, I'll be taking Cold-Eeze, Vitamin C Supplements, eating well and often, and staying well hydrated. I just need to make it through the weekend without being sick, then I can focus on relaxing and recovering more next week. Oh yeah, and tearing every inch of my bike apart after 3 sloppy/wet races in a row. Yay!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend Cross Wrap #4 'Enhanced' Version: Richmond & Kensington

This week's Weekend Cross Wrap is going to include the Triple Crown of Kensington Race report as well, hence the 'enhanced'. Plus, I just like the word 'enhanced'. Enhance. Enhance. JUST TYPE THE DARN REPORT ALREADY!

Wednesday: Triple Crown of Kensington Cyclocross Race #1: Well well well, what do we have here? A local cross race with small entry fee and winner takes all attitude? Where do I sign up?!?! After palling around at the Belmont as a warm-up, I packed the bike back in the car and drove over to Kensington to do some cross gaming and self-heckling. Tons of familiar faces were gathered near the lighted fields waiting for the football practice to finish. Those in attendance included, but were not limited to, The Joe Reynolds Foundation, Warren H, Woody, Har-Har (on a fixie and slicks!), L Pipes (with a huge screw lodged in her tire), The QCW Posse, and The Great Pat who organized the whole shindig. The set-up was simple. Short urban 'cross course, two races running at once (men's and women's), overall winner of each race takes home 50% of the entry on the night. All clear? Ready......GO! I make sure not to hole-shot as I would rather follow and feel things out on any day than dictate the pace from the gun. Not sure if this is smart strategy or a little lack of confidence. If it's a lack of confidence, than I quickly gained it on the second lap as I took the lead and never looked back. Roughly 40 minutes later the bell lap rang and I did one more flying lap to the finish line. Looking back, I noticed a lot less people on the course than before. Turns out there were a lot of flats that took people out of the race. All of the faster riders seemed to make it through OK though, with the exception of Har-Har who's slick-tired fixie got a flat, and Woody's chain snapped. Had a great time and will definitely be back to defend my lead in the series and go for the omnium. End Result: 1st baby! Not a UCI win, but it's a start!

Saturday: Richmond Festival of Cross Day 1: Drove down with L Pipes to Grandmaster Stu's place in Richmond, VA for a low-key weekend of fun racing. With big UCI races going on in Ohio and Rhode Island, I felt like I was missing out a little, but am glad I got to see the scene down there. Despite having fun in general, the racing wasn't together. The weather was warm and muggy Friday night and Saturday. I had trouble sleeping and woke up feeling rather rough. I tried to stay positive and confident, knowing my form was coming on and improving. I figured that if I just gutted it out and finished decent in the first day's race, I could do a good TT and get some rest for Sunday's race. Well, first lap in, I got myself a flat and had to ride/run a good distance to the pit while everyone raced on ahead. I swapped the front wheel and chased as hard as I could the entire race, picking riders off steadily and finishing up 10th. OUCH! The humidity and weather took their toll on me, wrapped in my lack of sleep, I almost lost my lunch at the finish line. With my lackluster performance and bad-luck combined, I couldn't get up the motivation to do the TT. 10th place didn't seem like a good place to start a run at the overall, especially since there was no TT prizes and the omnium was winner-take-all for a custom-made cowbell. Instead, I chose to rest up and take a crack at the win the following day. End Result: 10th/20

Sunday: Richmond Festival of Cross Day 2: After napping after yesterday's race most of the evening and getting a better night's sleep, I woke up feeling normal but not spectacular. After yesterday though, normal felt amazing! I chowed down breakfast and headed over to the course with L Pipes to sign-in and pre-ride. While on my lap, I realized that this course was unlike any I've ever ridden. The best way to describe it was a 'Crit on Grit'. That meaning it was pan-flat, almost no technical sections, and had plenty of power straight-aways where sitting in and drafting was the only way to maintain position. Nothing hard, nothing to seperate things out. I got a decent start and like I figured there was just one long pace-line from the start. After the first barrier section and a short tech-section we hit a quick road section. Here a few guys started getting a gap and I knew that they were the race-makers. I went to jump across the gap so not to drag anyone with me, but I quickly realized that I was lacking my normal power. I was forced to sit down and try and slowly bridge up, but was caught by two riders who did not have the power to do so and the gap quickly started growing. Realizing I should not have been caught, I kept it together and waited for a good moment to make a move and get rid of the group I was with, as I was riding a lot smoother than most. However, when I went to make a move again, it felt like I was stuck in mid-gear. That's when the tingles hit me, the hunger tingles. Oh Snaps! I quickly realized what was happening, and although the cross race was short, it was too early to tough it out. I made my decision to pull the plug and get some food in me. Not my proudest moment of the year, but turns out it was my smartest thus far. I see no reason to dig a hole for myself at a local race when it can seriously affect upcoming races with far greater importance and stiffer competition. That being said, it's always hard watching a race go by and knowing that you could be in contention but for one reason or another are watching from the sidelines. End Result: Blah!

Looking forward to this week/weekend! The Triple Crown got moved to Thursday's now, so as not to conflict with the Wednesday night cross workouts at the plateau. I'm thinking I may do a mtb ride on Wednesday instead just to test out the new 29'er I finally got all built and tuned. I'll stop by the plateau to heckle a little of course!

The weekend brings my second duo of UCI races. Granogue and Wissahickon. Granogue was a muddy slop-fest (as opposed to a sloppy mud-fest, which is not as bad) the last time I raced it in '05, and Wissahickon was my last race that season, siting burn-out as the cause for my early departure there. I'm just going to take it easy this week, except for Kensington, and try and stay focused. Poor start positions are in the works and I need to bring my A+ game so I can race like I know how.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BE THERE!!....wait....JUST GO!

Come one, come all, to the Triple Crown of Kensington Cyclocross Races! 3 Wednesday's in October: 7th, 14th, 21st. Fun shall be had and 'cross shall be raced! Under the lights of Cione Park no less! Registration starts at 7pm, racing starts at 8'ish. Link:

See you there!

Monday, October 5, 2009

WEEKEND CROSS WRAP #3: A wedding and a Hustle

This past weekend wrapped up a rest week for me. Friday I spent the day at the Hillbilly Hustle course staking things out and putting up course tape. The course was rad and I was happy to be able to help out in a big way with getting things ready. The weekend was to be busy for me, so after we finished I headed home to clean up and pack.

Saturday: Hillbilly Hustle Pre-ride & Clinic: I arrived fashionably late for the official course pre-ride and clinic, which was also the final installment of the Tuesday night Philthy Cross Clinics. We had a good group show up and we went through the course and detailed each section. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and I got to feel important, which is always a plus! The best thing about these clinics is seeing riders improve and have more fun. Thanks to all those who came out, I hope your learned a lot and are caught up in the cyclocross cyclone every Fall from here on out! And thank you for making me feel like I knew what I was talking about!

Saturday Night: The Marriage of Anna Kelso & Jeff Schalk: After a pit stop at my old stomping grounds in Mt. Washington for some eats, I made my way to Frederick, MD for my friends Anna & Jeff's wedding. Everything was awesome, and I got to see a ton of people I haven't seen for a while. There was such a happy & positive vibe throughout the whole ceremony and reception! I couldn't picture a happier couple! Congrats you two!

Sunday: Hillbilly Hustle V.4: After a long drive home and 2am bedtime, I awoke sans alarm at 11am and set about getting over to the Hustle in one piece. With a nice prize purse up for grabs, and an amazing trophy, I was really hoping to make the top step of the podium on the day. I felt a lot better than I thought I would, and was cautiously confident at the start, knowing that I had some stiff competition in riders like Ryan Dewald, Stephan Kincaid, and a Swiss U23 rider whose name I can't recall at this time. With a front row start, I set off and hit the fist section of twisty windy further back that I would've liked, around 9th wheel. I quickly moved up in the first lap into 4th/5th with another rider, but the front 3 had taken off before I had a chance to get on the train. I rode steady and stayed out of trouble and off the ground, chasing with the same rider until the end where I was outkicked in the final lap. I was happy and not happy at the same time, I really wanted to win, but feel the front 3 were the strongest on the day. I should have had 4th wrapped up, but just didn't have it in me after my efforts the previous two days. End Result: 5th/20

Next up is the Richmond Festival of Cross. Even though there are bigger races with more money, they are also farther away. I sort of want to keep things low key before the Granogue/Wissahickon weekend where I would like to do well in a deeper field. Hopefully this plan of mine will work out!

See you over the barriers!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ready to Hustle!

Just winding down from a long day at Sunday's course and a night of bike prep. In case you've been hiding under a rock, the Hillbilly Hustle V.4 Cyclocross Race is this Sunday in Elmer, NJ. This race is gonna be Si-i-i-i-i-ck!! Fast doubletrack abounds on the course with a few mud sections, a sweet sandy bermed turn, and tons of other crazy goodness. BikeReg signup is up tonight, but you can still register the day-of.

Tomorrow, I'll be pre-riding on the course and leading the last Philthy Cross Clinic: Jersey Edition. Then, it's off to Frederick, MD for Anna and Jeff's wedding. I'm setting myself a curfew in Frederick of 10pm, then it's back in the car and back to home to get some sleep and hopefully wake up rested and ready for the Men's Elite race at 3pm. I think things will work out, and I'm feeling confident so that always helps.

See you out there!