Saturday, November 14, 2009

Downloading Movie #5

That's right, movie number 5. That means I've watched 4 movies so far today. Why? Well, I woke up sick that's why. Still bummed about it. Seems to have passed somewhat, but hopefully I can get on the bike tomorrow. I was supposed to get a long day in today. I know I'd feel a whole lot better if I was able to ride (obviously).

Is it just me, or does being sedentary make me feel worse than when I'm killing myself on the bike. Heck, I feel WAY better after a good workout then when i've rested for a day. Guess it's that brain chemistry doing it's work. OK, 79%, 21% to go. Never saw that last Superman movie, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Then, maybe The Wrestler tomorrow, AFTER I ride.

So far today, I've warped through Star Trek, sliced through Wolverine, snickered my way through Angels & Demons, and enjoyed the last Bond flick, Quantum of Solace. Not a bad day so far for movies if I do say so myself, and I just did......out loud....with nobody else around. Guess I should feel lucky, or sane, that nobody answered me then.

In bike related news, I bought more tubes for the 29er. I need to be more conscious of my tire pressure out there. Too easy to flat. Will be going tubeless soon, but need to get proper tires first. Racing Ralph with Snake Skin please!

Gosh, this last 20% or so is taking a while. Time for some liquid beverage! And time for you to stop staring at the computer screen and to write a letter to your grandma, or the next best thing. Go on now, get!

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