Sunday, May 10, 2009

Asphalt Boycott Live Chicken Delivery

Sheesh, what a mental breakdown today.  I lasted 2 of 16 laps at the circuit race today.  I realized as I got squeezed to the inside of a tight turn into a narrow bridge on today's course that the last thing I wanted to be doing was racing a windy circuit race.  I was positioned towards the front of the pack at the time, and was riding comfortably coming up to the uphill portion of the circuit.  After crossing the bridge, I made the decision to pull off and say 'Uncle'.  I chatted with Gretna Bill for a bit before heading to my teammate's car, grabbing my bag, and starting off on my ride home.  I did feel bad for not sticking it out and helping my teammate, but enough is enough with these short and fast road races.  Dirt racing from here on out!

On the farm this week I found myself unloading crates of chickens.  Hopefully these will last a while and won't become food for the fox.  I forgot how much chickens stink, and upon getting home I threw everything I was wearing into the wash.  Since it was dark
 out, the chickens were ready to sleep.  Since we didn't want them sleeping in the small crates, we took them out.  Being chickens, and therefore birdbrains, they didn't figure out that they needed to get on the roost and kept huddling near the crates.  To remedy this, we picked up the chickens and put them on the roost.  This worked roughly 65% of the time, the rest of which we found ourselves cracking up as half-asleep and blind-in-the-dark chickens fell clumsily off the roosts onto the straw below.  Guess you had to be there.......

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