Monday, September 14, 2009

Broken pedal misfortune turned raffle delight

I'm still a little out of breath from Sunday's race. Mostly due to all the frustrations I was voicing over more than 2/3rds of the course. After we started, I knew my legs were feeling good. I moved up from my back-of-the-pack start position to just outside the top-10. In the singletrack, I made some quick passes up to about 8th or 9th. As I got on the wheel of my team-mate from last weekend, The Big Shebelsky, we hit a rocky, technical decent where I hit a pedal on a rock, causing my foot to come out. I quickly recovered, but could not clip back in. The pedal was stuck in the open position and I spent the rest of the race having to reset the pedal every time I grazed a rock or had to dismount. HUGE bummer, but that's racing. I did want to close out the mountain bike season with a bigger success, but this year I have CYCLOCROSS to look forward to. I've been feeling reeeeeeaaaallly good since my 2 week break, and with the decreased number of training hours I'm staying fresh.

But it's hard to stay frowned at the last MASS race of the year, and I spent the remainder of the time talking it up with friends and eating delicious cheeseburgers. Giant Gary was on hand to raffle off a brand new Giant 29'er 1, so I grabbed a raffle ticket and crossed my fingers. WELL, I guess I had my fingers crossed tighter than everyone else, cause I WON. Sweet, now I got a kick-ass winter training bike and race HT for next season. All it needs is some lighter components come race time. It is a medium frame, so as soon as I get a swap for a small I'll be writing up some reports on it.

GOOD LUCK to all those finishing their mountain bike seasons the next few weeks, and for all those gearing up for 'cross, See you over the barriers.........

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