Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Stuff!

Wow! The new team is really coming together nicely! If you haven't checked it out already, than do it now: Giant Mid-Atlantic Cycling Team on the web, or check out the BLOG. Are you on Facebook? We're on there too, just search for Giant Mid-Atlantic, or click HERE.

The team just announced a new sponsor, ELETE electrolyte replacement. Super Stoked! This stuff rocks and is going to be key as the temps get warmer (which hopefully happens soon!)

There are a bunch more sponsors coming on board, so be sure to keep checking back for more announcements. It's going to be an awesome season!

On the riding front, I hit the Wiss today for the first time in a few weeks. It was good stuff! I'd be posting pictures right now if I actually took them. It was too cold to stop and snap a pic, plus I was having too much fun on the 29er. I promise to post a pic when it gets a tad warmer!

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